ValidISIN function
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the ValidISIN user defined function in Microsoft Excel.
NOTE: This function requires that the VBA code be implemented in the target workbook, or be contained in an addin. If contained in an addin, all parties to whom the code is distributed must also have the addin installed.
Returns a boolean result (True or False), indicating whether or not a given String passes the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) code pattern and Luhn algorithm. You can use this function either as a worksheet function (formula) and/or call it from VBA.
NOTE: This function does not validate the country prefix against the list of ISO recognised countries – nor does it provide any further validation of the codes authenticity.
The ValidISIN function has the following arguments:
- strISIN: Required. The International Securities Identification Number that you want to validate. This argument can be passed as a String Constant, or reference a cell range containing the ISIN.
- Returns True if strISIN passes the validation check, otherwise returns False.
- If called as a worksheet function, returns #VALUE! if strISIN is an error value (e.g. #N/A, #REF!, #VALUE! etc.)
- If called as a VBA function, throws a Runtime Error ’13’: Type Mismatch if strISIN is an error value.
Use in formula
Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter. If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data.
ISIN | Formula | Result |
IE0000020408 | =ValidISIN(A2) | TRUE |
GB00B126KH98 | =ValidISIN(A3) | FALSE |
Use in VBA
Basic Case – validate a single ISIN
Copy this code to a standard module in your workbook and click ‘Run’ (F5).
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Public Sub Demo1() Dim blnIsValid As Boolean Const strISIN As String = "US0378331005" blnIsValid = ValidISIN(strISIN) Call MsgBox(Prompt:=WorksheetFunction.Trim$(strISIN & " is " & IIf(blnIsValid, "", "not") & " a valid ISIN!")) End Sub |
Practical Case – Validate a table of ISIN’s
Input a series of ISIN codes into Sheet1 range A1:A10. Copy this code to a standard module in your workbook and click ‘Run’ (f5). The result will be a message box for each ISIN that is NOT valid.
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Public Sub Demo2() Dim rngISINs As Excel.Range Dim rngCell As Excel.Range Set rngISINs = Sheet1.Range("A1:A10") For Each rngCell In rngISINs If Not ValidISIN(rngCell.Text) Then Call MsgBox(rngCell.Text & " is not a valid ISIN!") End If Next rngCell End Sub |
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Option Explicit Option Private Module Public g_objREGEX As Object Public Function ISINPattern(ByVal strISIN As String) As Boolean If g_objREGEX Is Nothing Then Set g_objREGEX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") End If With g_objREGEX .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = "^[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}[0-9]{1}$" End With ISINPattern = g_objREGEX.Test(strISIN) End Function Public Function CharToDigit(ByVal strSecurity As String) As Variant Dim objMatch As Object Dim objMatches As Object Dim strStagingString As String If g_objREGEX Is Nothing Then Set g_objREGEX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") End If With g_objREGEX .Global = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = "([A-Z])" End With strStagingString = Left$(StrConv(strSecurity, vbUnicode), Len(strSecurity) * 2 - 1) Set objMatches = g_objREGEX.Execute(strStagingString) For Each objMatch In objMatches strStagingString = Replace$(strStagingString, objMatch.Value, Asc(objMatch.Value) - 55) Next objMatch CharToDigit = Split(strStagingString, Chr$(0)) End Function |
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Option Explicit Option Base 0 Public Function ValidISIN(ByVal strISIN As String) As Boolean Dim lngCheckNum As Long Dim varNums As Variant Dim lngChar As Long Dim lngResult As Long strISIN = Trim$(UCase$(strISIN)) If Not ISINPattern(strISIN) Then Exit Function lngCheckNum = CLng(Right$(strISIN, 1)) varNums = Join$(CharToDigit(Left$(strISIN, 11)), "") varNums = Split(Left(StrConv(varNums, vbUnicode), Len(varNums) * 2 - 1), Chr$(0)) For lngChar = LBound(varNums) + UBound(varNums) Mod 2 To UBound(varNums) Step 2 varNums(lngChar) = varNums(lngChar) * 2 Next lngChar varNums = Join$(Split(StrConv(Join$(varNums, ""), vbUnicode), Chr$(0)), ",") lngResult = (10 - (Evaluate("sum({" & Left$(varNums, Len(varNums) - 1) & "})") Mod 10)) Mod 10 ValidISIN = CBool(lngCheckNum = lngResult) End Function |
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